Year of Discovery – Passipied’s Makuouchi-Ism

Released October 22, 2014

Track Listing

  1. YES/NO
  2. Tokyo City Underground
  3. Nanairo no Shonen
  4. Anoaotoaotoao
  5. Normandy
  6. Seikimatsu Girl
  7. Toryanse
  9. Asian
  10. Dare?
  11. Wasuremono
  12. Meisou

AngryDaenjangny a.k.a Hannah says:

Passpied is a band of a lot of contradictions. On one hand, they used to be widely known among indie music aficionados. On the other, they just disappeared – people remember of them, but does their legacy hold up? Makunouchiism is an album that personifies this “should be really interesting, but ends up in the attic” type music. On one hand the mix of influences- from the speaking-singing style to the 80s style instrumentals- are fascinating, yet at the same time there is this feeling of wanting something more from a clearly accomplished group of artists. Ultimately it’s an enjoyable album that hints at more to come, with the question being – when?

I wanna say that before we talk about the music, I am way into this album artwork.


Immediately had some Supercell vibes. Good start to the album. The synth keyboard that kicks in midway through the song is dope, too.

Tokyo City Underground

I’m into how the song builds but stays within itself. I like the bridge to the last verse as well.

Nanairo no Shonen

This could apply to all the songs here, but this really sounds like an anime intro. 


I am unfamiliar with the band, but this was the song I really felt I started to really get what kind of sound and overall vibe they have. This seems a deep cut that the fans would be into.


By far my favorite song from the album. Love the swing the beat has and hearing Normandy being sung the way it is is quite delightful. Love how calm this song is compared to the rest of the album. It just made me feel good to hear. Also, any time I can fit a Mass Effect reference in any of my writing is a bonus. 

Seikimatsu Girl

Those keys to start the song are so good, man. 


This band really has a talent for making their instruments sound distinct and still find a harmony among them. I think Toryanse is a better example of how they do it. Maybe it’s just me misplacing it, but I feel like I’ve heard the lyrics a lot in the past. 


When I first heard this song, I thought there should probably be a video for it. Turns out there is one!


Put this song in a Persona video game! I imagine a super stylish intro to some JRPG game. 


Although good, I didn’t find myself as compelled with this song as the others. I think nearing the end of the album I started to feel a bit worn-down by the music. 


This song being placed near the end is some good sequencing. It’s a nice change of pace and it helped make the album not sound as stale as I was afraid it would.


Same thoughts as before. 

Overall Thoughts

It’s notable that Hannah said that the album hints at more cause by the end of it, I did want more. Although it doesn’t quite hit the landing, I found myself really enjoying the music. The fusion of the 80’s instruments with that speak-singing style did a lot for me. I’m gonna look into their music more. I’m right on the fence about them as a band. While I enjoyed this album, I need more to see if they will stick. 

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