2023 Year-End Recap: It Is What It Is


At the start of the year, one of my primary goals was to post something at least once a week. It was working early on, but the entire publishing pattern was interrupted once I started to travel to attend concerts. So, I guess I’ll have to find a better way to publish content consistently.

However, our audio content has remained steady. The House mixes and remixes have been constant for the most part.

We’re not known for busting out a lot of podcasts, but thanks to having a lot of stuff to talk about and a helpful AI-assisted editing workflow, it was much easier to get that type of content out promptly. I want to send a big thank you to Ellis (Ping) and Allen for all the work they do to get our podcast episodes scheduled and recorded.

Lastly, I’m sure many who have hung around here for some time have noticed way more K-Pop this year. Well, that’s very intentional, as it is the hot thing right now. I find the music coming out of South Korea more sonically interesting than what is currently coming out of Japan. So, of course, I will be hyper-focused on what I believe is worth writing about.

As we go deeper into this recap, you’ll see that I still listen to Japanese music but haven’t found anything worth typing out a review for, especially when it comes to Japanese idols.

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